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Portrai #9 : delving into _9oga's Urban Pixel Aesthetic 🟦 - Tilipix

Portrait #9: delving into _9oga's Urban Pixel Aesthetic 🟦

Hello _9oga_, could you tell us more about the person behind this pseudonym? And about the choice of this pseudonym?

My actual name is George, and I am an architecture student.

I live and work mostly in Russia, but I also travel a lot and plan to study in Europe.

Goga (гога) is an old-fashioned and weird way to spell my name in Russian, so nobody would call me this way in real life. However, I think it is a quirky and catchy nickname that fits to the international community and refers to me as a person at the same time.

What was your first contact with urban art? What did you want to get involved in it?

As a creative person, I have grown up surrounded by art, and urban art is no exception.

I have always been fascinated by the idea of ​​protest and the personal expression of local urban artists.

Therefore, I decided to share my messages with society through my own anonymous art.

If you had to define your style in 3 words, what would they be?

Irony. Spontaneity. Story.

Can you tell us more about your creative process?

I always look for an interesting concept before creating a mosaic. I usually don't create replicas of artwork from popular culture, but instead try to create my own unique images and create pixel art sketches on my own.

What are your main sources of inspiration?

I draw inspiration from people, animals and, mostly, my personal associations they awoke in me.

What is the ideal spot for you to stick your works?

It really depends on the specific work. Each mosaic can evoke different emotions depending on its context. So, for me finding the right place for my creation is just as challenging as creating the mosaic itself.

Can you tell us about your first mosaic (from idea to installation)?

Two years ago, I created a mosaic portrait of my mother and placed it in her favorite spot in the city center. Ironically, I had never enjoyed portrait art before and felt like an outsider in that field, but the surprisingly good work I produced helped me discover a new passion.

Thanks, mom!

Which cities and countries have you invaded?

The majority of my mosaics are in Moscow and smaller towns. But there are some in Rome, Berlin and even somewhere in German mountains.

Do you have an idea of ​​how many mosaics you have installed?

Not much I believe, around 30, from small tags to complex portraits.

What is your favorite mosaic?

I still think my first piece is the best, but I do love the Martlet Mosaic. I named it "Soon to Fly" as part of my anti-war series. Such an agenda is not welcome in Russia today, so I had to be very precise in my message. Also, the mosaic was installed at -35 0 C cold during the Christmas night!

Do you have a bad experience to tell us about?

Remember the first mosaic that I still consider my best? It only lasted two days before it came off.

Always make sure that the wall is dry and clean before mounting anything.

And finally, which artist would you like me to interview for the next portrait?

@mas_mejos_menos_peor is one of the creators who inspired me to share my art on Instagram. He definitely deserves attention.

How can we follow you (website, Instagram account, Flasher pseudonym...)?

@_9oga_ is my only creative account you should check out! I wish you good luck and peaceful skies.


Thanks a lot for having taken your time to do the interview!

Photo credit _9oga_

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